He has a head and chest cold. He stayed home the next day too. He couldn't talk, was dizzy, coughed, hacked, sneezed and grunted. He went into work the following day and his Co-workers called his Boss over and told him send him home. "We don't want what he has." Yes, that bad! Since he was sick I was kind to him and made him buckets of homemade chicken soup, sloppy joes, spinach quiche and stuffed peppers. He was thrilled with these delights. I don't cook very often. When he got lonely, he came to my sewing room door to see me. I would say, "I love you, GET OUT OF HERE"! I happen to be one of those people that gets sick very easily. I made sure I wasn't in the same room at anytime. Wiped down door knobs, took some Airborne and retreated to a neutral corner. He is about 75% better tonight. I am just hoping it doesn't rain on him tomorrow.
As for what I was able to finish....Not much. I folded more fabric, finished the wallets and worked on the guild newsletter.
My goal tomorrow is to make Something with this fabric. It is the Art Quilt Challenge fabric. I have had it for at least 10 months. It needs to be turned in by February 19th. Do you think I procrastinated enough yet???
Stash Report 1/21 -1/27 Week 4 - 2018
Fabric used this week: 1 yard
Fabric used to Date: 7 yard
Fabric Added this week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 7 yards
Net Fabric for 2018: 6 yard

15 Minute Challenge:
1/21- 1/27 7of 7 days
2018 Total 19 of 27 days
1/21- 1/27 7of 7 days
2018 Total 19 of 27 days
Percentage of days sewn 70%
Happy Quilting
Aileen in Florida