Sunday, September 25, 2011

September already?

Time really flew by. August was a rough month for us. My youngest daughter came back home with her 1 1/2 yr old son. What a cute little guy. Always smiling. He runs around the house doing about 25 mph. It is funny and exhausting to watch.

It has been about 4 yrs since we've had a toddler in our home. We had 24 hours to baby proof the house, and still we missed a lot of areas. Spend 2 more days moving furniture and bedrooms around.  In the end they have their own space and privacy.

We live in Florida. It is still warm during the day, but the nights are starting to get cooler. I didn't realize he didn't have a blanket his size with him. So Grandma made a emergency blanket from a baby top that I had in my UFO bucket. It took 2 hours. He now has a blanket. It was an I spy gone wrong....but he loves it and we have a great time looking at all the critters on it.

 It is harder to sew with a little one following you around. Finally I found things in my sewing room that he can play with. Some stuff animals and a plastic bin of scraps. He had a blast. In the meantime I am realizing that I have to put the rotary cutter, scissors, and pins back in the drawer just about every time I put them down.  I keep remember when I was a kid, my mother stepped on a pin and it went through her toe. Ouch!
Been going totally pinless! Glue seams where I can. It worked well on splicing binding together. Actually made it easier to sew them accurately. 

I did finish my Two Color Doll Swap Quilt. It came out just the way I envisioned it! That never happens! I hope that "_________" likes it as much as I do. I did not use a pattern. I just made blocks and took it from there. This is the year I promised myself I would create things that I see in my head instead of following a pattern. This one is called Blooming Friendships.

I was also working on a little quilt for Alzheimer's Quilt Initiative.  They are going to Houston and want to bring 1500 little quilts to sell to raise money for a cure. I think it came out cute. I used some of the fabrics from my Doll Quilt for the roof and background.The house is made from the fabric I used on the back of the quilt. Last month I did make one with hearts and 4 patches but I forgot to photograph it before I mailed it. Oh well at least I mailed it. It is really fun. You can make anything you want. only rule is the size. 9 x 12 Priority Envelope size. I called it Seminole Fall because of the way I did the roof and fall because of the pumpkins by the door. I was thinking about fall starting this month, pumpkin pie, turning leaves and crisp clean air. Well the crisp clean air would apply if I was up north. Still a steam bath during the day here in FL.

Going to take a day off from sewing and vacuum the sewing room. My daughter decided she wanted to make a quilt. She has been in my sewing room all week in the wee hours. We took turns because it is a very small room. She  shopped my stash and we bought a couple 1/2 yards at JoAnn's. She is not using a pattern either. It is coming out really well. She learn to quilt when she was 8 yrs old. Even entered a quilt in a quilt show that year in the Kids category. She hasn't sewn in years but the bug bit her to do something creative. I can't wait to see it finished.!

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