We had 2 Graduations and 2 Birthdays in the last 5 days.
In the stone age we called it being promoted to the next grade level.
My oldest grandson graduated 8th grade. He does not smile. I think he really enjoys people bugging him to smile. He just won't do it. As he was paraded past me in the school gym, I asked him to smile. The young lady behind him just kept shaking her head at me, trying to tell me something I already knew...He is NOT going to smile. His father got one smile out of him! LOL.
Today is his 14th birthday. I gave him the clothes I got him for his birthday on Tuesday. I was doing some alterations on a few pair of shorts for him. He has gotten much taller but has put on a little weight, which is why I was altering his shorts at the waist. So I thought I better have him try on his birthday presents. They fit fine. Apparently he liked them and wore them to school the next day.

On the other hand his sister, my only granddaughter is a happy go lucky little girl. Smiles at everyone and everything. She loves life and making people smile. She is a chatterbox. Loves to sing and dance.
She graduated from Head Start Pre-K and is very excited to start Kindergarten next year.

Grandson #3 also turned 3 years old. He has been doing a count down since his mom's birthday in April. Mommy put up a chalkboard when grandson #2 kept bugging her about his birthday in January.
He has been telling everyone that would listen that it is his birthday soon.
Today was the day. I sang Happy Birthday over text for him. He replied with a very excited "Thank you Grandma! It's My Birthday!!!" He even sent a voice invitation to his cousin to come to his party. He was so excited when she sent back a reply. He just woke up from his nap and was a little quite when we arrived. Bampa got him to loosen up, and helped him blow out the candles. They are Buddies!!!

I did sew together some of the X-marks the blocks.
I also made my grandson a pouch for his new Pokeman DS. We all chipped in to get the DS. He needs to use his new thumb but is resistant. So we keep telling him he has to use his thumb on the circle to move the character. He needed therapy for his thumb and of course the insurance would not cover this. Which is ridiculous since they approved the surgery for the thumb.
Stash Report 5/20 - 5/26 Week 21- 2018
Fabric used this week: 1/2 yard + Scraps
Fabric used to Date: 15 yard
Fabric Added this week: 7 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 59 yards
Net used for 2018: 15 yards Net in the red - 44 yards
GOAL for Year - 60 yards
GOAL for Year - 60 yards
15 Minute Challenge:
5/20- 5/26 4 of 7 days
2018 Total 115 of 136
Percentage of days sewn 85%
UFO finished for January - 0 :>[
UFO finished for February - 0 ugh!
UFO finished for March - 0 I am consistent!!!
UFO finished For April - 1 Spool Wall hanging! Woot